Data Management Plan and Softare Development Paradigm

The Extreme Weather Events Database consists of two linked servers and a Github repository. The servers will be dedicated to two symbiotic systems for firstly storing and accessing the data, and second for analyses.

The first server is a GIS database.
The software stack will include:

  • A PostGIS server
  • geoserver

The second server will combine analytical software with a data registry and searchable catalogue.

  • Rstudio server
  • an Oracle Express APEX HTML Database
  • a DDIindex searchable data catalogue

All data and software available from our site are free or open source. This means any health scientist (academic, public servant, emergency aid worker or student), anywhere in the world can freely access these data and tools.
As it is open source development, and can be freely modified, it is hoped that with little modification this software could be used by others to enhance our understanding of the impact of Extreme Weather Events on Health, improve the speediness of action against impending threats, and increase our ability to adapt to or avoid the harmful consequences of Climate Change.

Posted in  Data Management

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